Hot Oil Treatment

So I washed my hair 2 days ago, and I decided to do my first hot oil treatmemt using Queen Helene Jojoba Hot Oil Treatment. I purchased Oueen Helene Jojoba Oil from Sallys Beauty Supply Store for $5.99. It is pure Jojoba oil which conditions and controls brittleness, breakage and split ends. I followed the directions that are written on the bottle which states, wash hair first then towl dry hair. I put the oil in my hair and scalp and message my scalp and combed my hair to make sure every strand of hair was oiled. I put a plastic cap on, and sat under a dryer for 5 to 10 minute’s. Washed the oil out as instructed and let my hair dried. I was not happy with the results at all!! Queen Helene Jojoba oil didn’t leave my hair condition, and my hair didn’t feel moisturized. It made my hair smell really good due to the fragrance in the oil. Queen Helene Jojoba Hot Oil felt more like I was shampooing my hair, and to be a oil it didn’t have a oily feeling at all. The oil had a dried wet feeling to it, if that makes sence to anyone. I read online that some people use Queen Helene Jojoba oil to seal there ends or combined it with other oils so I might try that just to use up the oil. There are some people who have Youtube review videos and tutorials using Queen Helene Jojoba Oil and had good results. For me it didn’t workout on “my hair”, I personally would not recommend Queen Helene Jojoba Hot Oil Treatment to anyone. But to each its own!!! It is safe to say I am going to stick with my Plamers Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Which actually leaves your hair condition and soft and I use Palmer Extra Virgin Oilve Oil to seal my ends as well. Please leave comments about your experience using Queen Helene Jojoba Hot Oil Treatment. Also leave any recommendations for other Jojoba oil brands that are really good. Like always thank you for checking out my blog, and see you at my next blog.

Remembrance and Prayers

I just wanted to post the scripture that was read by President Obama. Corinthians 4:16-18 to 2 Corinthians 5:1: Scripture tells us, ‘Do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly, we are being renewed day by day.”For light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all, so we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven not built by human hands.

My heart goes out to the families who lost there children to soon, the families of the 6 teachers who made the ultimate sacrifice with their life’s to protect their students, and the families who children’s survived but the innocence that was taken away from them on Friday. The coming days won’t be easy, but keep GOD in your heart and use his words to guide you through your days ahead. GOD BLESS all those who are hurting and GOD BLESS Newtown Connecticut.


A couple of months ago I purchased MAC’s Extra Dimension eyeshadow collection but I never used it until today. I really like MAC’s Extra Dimension eyeshadow it is very easy to blend with other eyeshadow brands. The Extra Eyeshadow Dimension has a creamy finish that reminds me of frosting that comes off very smoothy when applying on your eyelid. You don’t have to pack on the eyeshadow in order for the eyeshadow to show due to the vibrant finish the eyeshadow has. The look that I created is a basic look nothing to to difficult, I wanted a look that was soft and more professional look and this is what I came up with. Like always thank you for checking out my blog, and see you at my next blog.

Products Used:
MAC: Young Venus e/s (outer corner)
Sleek Cosmetics Eyeshadow: Reddish/Brownish color e/s (outer corner)
MAC: Expresso e/s (crease)
MAC: Amber Light (bottom lid)
Wet N Wild: Mega Creme Eyeliner and in water line #866
Maybelline mascara in very black
Ardell Lashes #109
Tools Used:
$1.00 angle brush from Michael Craft Store
Sonia Kashuk blending brush
Sonia Kashuk pencil brush
$1.00 Small shader brush from Dollar General
*All product were paid for and purchased by me.

I Decided to Go Natural!!

NATURAL!!!!! I decided to go natural because I liked the texture and the thickness of my new growth that was coming in. Also I was tired of getting perms, which was becoming time consuming and damaging my hair (notice that I said my hair). I have been without a perm for 7 months, and I am loving it. I have been reading about natural hair care and the typing system. Honestly I don’t pay attention or care about the typing system due to the fact it reminds me of the good hair versus the bad hair (IT GOES BACK TO CHILDHOOD MEMORIES), but I do pay attention to hair care and learning about products that best suit my hair needs. I am not going to recomnend products, because I still use the same products before I decided to go natural and I am new to the process. The best part that I am discovering about going natural, is learning how to do two strand twist and twist outs, braid outs, flat twist and many more protection styles. By learning these styles I will not have to go to a natural hair salon, and spend money for someone else to do my hair. But don’t get it twisted I will visit a salon only for hair styles I know I absolutley cannot do at all. Let me be clear and say this I have nothing against relaxers, nor am I trying to convince anyone to go natural. I am just doing me, what is right for me and what I like. This is my learning process and no one else’s. I am open to advice about natural hair, and reading and learning about natural hair care. With that said I invite you to take part in my natural hair journey.

Golden with a Red Lip.

I created this look using IMAN (former super model) Luxury Eyeshadow Mixed Metals Duo, that I purchased at my local Walgreens for $8.00. I am not a really big fan of Iman cosmetic line but I like her eyeshadows. Iman mixed metals eyeshadow duo is perfect for eyelids of any color, when using mixed metal eyeshadow expect a lot of fall out due to the finish of the eyeshadow. But all in all Iman’s mixed metal duo eyeshadow is really nice and comes in many beautiful colors to choose from. When doing this look I also paired this look with vibrant red lip using MAC’s lipstick in Russian Red. Pairing this eye look with a red lip really pulled the look together. With that said thank you for checking out my blog, see you at my next blog. 

Products Used:
MAC: Swiss Chocolate e/s (crease)
NYX: Jumbo eyeshadow stick black bean e/s (outer corner)
MAC: Bronze e/s (bottom lid)
Wet N Wild: Mega Creme liner #866 and on water line
Ardell #109 lashes
Tools Used:
$1.00 angle brush from Michaels Craft Store
$1.00 small shader brush from Dollar General
*All products used for this look were purchased and paid for by me. I am not affiliated with or sponsored by any company, all opinions are my own.